Do you have a favorite time period in French history?

Homepage Forums History Do you have a favorite time period in French history?

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    Annie Sargent

    I love to hear and read about the middle ages. To me it’s a bit like a fantasy world that’s entirely different from the one we live in. So much so that I often have to remind myself that these were people just like us, they can’t have been that different. How about you?


    I am fascinated by the interbellum period between WW1 and WW2; especially the lost generation and artists who lived on the left bank of Paris.

    Annie Sargent

    You know, I’ve heard the term “lost generation” often but I don’t really know what it means. Do you have a good book or movie to recommend about it?

    Kim Loftus

    I am fascinated by the Middle Ages too! My favorite French historic people are Joan of Arc and Eleanor of Aquitaine. Their world was so very different from ours and like Annie said, “a bit of a fantasy world.” Women like Joan and Eleanor, and others, affected history because of what they accomplished despite being so restricted as a woman. Those stories continue to interest me, I think in part, because we will not likely ever know the complete story as records are limited. That makes them all the more intriguing.

    Napoleon and his personal life as provide great reading material, or perhaps just the post-revolution era. The women in his family and his wives were a variety of characters – just like any family.


    Unusual but WWII, probably because my father helped liberate France (2nd Armored division under Gen Patton) et ma mere etais une Francaise a Paris. That would be contemporary history, otherwise it has to be the Empire under Napoleon

    Annie Sargent

    Did your parents meet when he was serving in France? How romantic!


    Yes, met and married in Fontainebleau. Lived in Paris, Fontainebleau, Le Mans and Orleans.

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