Do you have a weekly or monthly rotation?

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    Annie Sargent

    I know people who always eat the same thing on Tue nights. Do you do that? I can see how it would be comforting and would make life easy, but I’ve never tried it. Maybe I should do something like that for week-nights and keep it open for week-ends? What do you think? Would it save that much time? I guess sometimes I feel uninspired and having a schedule would be nice. Thinking, thinking…


    The closest we get is going to the pub for dinner on a Friday. But this week we went on Thursday since my husband is going fishing for the weekend.

    I do sometimes think it would be good to pre-plan a (flexible) menu for the week but we tend to be spontaneous about what we eat and when. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t.

    Annie Sargent

    Maybe that’s the way to look at this. Have a rotation but only follow it when uninspired ?

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