Should you say TU or VOUS? A funny :-)

Homepage Forums French Language Should you say TU or VOUS? A funny :-)

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    Annie Sargent


    I know this is funny – especially the very last box – but this is truly how it feels to an Australian from the bush where the worst sounding insult is actually a compliment (if you ask me I’ll tell you but it involves the F and the C words). Seriously. I am terrified of insulting someone by using the wrong pronoun but I’m also Australian and we don’t do formal.

    Annie Sargent

    If you have an accent when you speak French nobody will be offended if you get this wrong, no worries mate 😉

    Now you got me wondering about the worst insult being a compliment. The only thing I can think of with F and C would not feel like a compliment to me!


    Glad to hear our accents will save us. Or at least me. No one can understand my husband. Even in America he had problems.
    What you’re thinking with F&C is no doubt correct. Put “mad” in between and that is a compliment. Well, at least in our family. Or you can just leave the F off if they’re not quite as awesome as some but still pretty good.

    Nan Deniston

    This is wonderful Annie. I grew up following these rules but notice more and more that young people (millennials and younger) seem to casually use tu for anyone. Is that your observation or do I have it wrong?


    Annie Sargent

    Tu is getting used a lot more indeed! In the workplace nobody says vous to anyone today. This is a striking change that has happened slowly over 15 years.

    Jeff DeLamater

    Just shared this with my daughter that just finished her 2nd year of high school French (she’s still in middle school), and she was cackling hysterically at it 🙂

    I love that she’s gotten to the point where I can share French comedy with her, and she can get a lot of it.

    Annie Sargent

    Bravo mademoiselle !

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