water birds on the Seine

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    Patricia Perry

    I enjoy the few water birds that live in my section of the Seine (port de Javel): mallard ducks, mute swans, cormorants, moorhens, yellow wagtails.  Baby ducklings have already emerged and last year there was a family of swans.  A fellow that lives on a peniche/barge prepared a floating nursery last year and I met him today while he was in the process of making repairs for this year’s crop of bird babies. There are no gentle planted embankments along the Seine where birds can rest and big barges plow up and down the Seine all day creating waves, plus the nonstop current.  Not an easy life for tiny baby water birds; fewer than half survive. 

    Patricia Perry


    Annie Sargent

    Wow, that’s a nice barge for birds. This guy is even more into birds than I am 😆


    That is so lovely.

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